Thanks to our generous donors, the Dorobo Fund supports and funds many grassroots efforts that promote social, ecological and economically sustainable growth in Tanzania.
Credit Card
We've set up a simple and secure process. We accept all credit cards and debit cards.
2.2% + 30¢ for non American Express transactions
3.5% for American Express transactions
Contact us for more information.
Mail a Check
Please mail a check to:
The Dorobo Fund for Tanzania
16523 Black Oaks Circle
Wayzata, MN 55391
Please consider sending your donation via credit card or ACH instead of mailing a check. This will help us streamline our operations and make things more efficient. Call our bookkeeper at 612-810-1949 for more information. If necessary, you may still send a check. Please take a few minutes to fill in the form below to provide us with a few details. Thanks!
Other options
Thank you for supporting our work. While you can always donate using our secure online credit card form, we also offer other payments options that are just as easy.
If you’d prefer to donate via wire transfer, please contact us.
The Dorobo Fund is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Federal ID number 41-1875830 licensed in Minnesota, USA. Contributions to the Dorobo Fund for Tanzania are tax-deductible.
Thanks to our generous donors, the Dorobo Fund supports and funds many grassroots efforts that promote social, ecological and economically sustainable growth in Tanzania. These initiatives are carried out by the Ujamaa Community Resource Team.